This Maven archetype serves as a template for creating a new executable test suite (ETS) based on the TestNG framework. It enables a test developer to quickly generate a test suite and start adding tests to verify that some test subject – such as a web service or a data representation – conforms to one or more specifications.
The Maven coordinates of the archetype are shown below (using the latest version is always recommended):
groupId: org.opengis.cite artifactId: ets-archetype-testng version: 2.7
In order to use the archetype and build the resulting test suite a Java Development Kit (JDK) and Apache Maven must be installed:
To create a new test suite open a command shell (terminal window) and invoke the interactive archetype:generate goal. It is necessary to specify the ets-code property at this point, the value of which must be a legal Java package name. For OGC test suites the convention is to identify the principal specification by major and minor version: wfs20, cat30, and the like. See Listing 1 for a sample invocation where the ets-code value is “abc10”; note that a ’' (backslash) character indicates that a line is continued.
Listing 1: Using the archetype interactively
mvn archetype:generate \ -Dfilter=org.opengis.cite:ets-archetype-testng \ -Dets-code=abc10
Several prompts will ask for various property values in order to generate the test suite project. The suggested default values may be modified if desired. It is also possible to create a test suite non-interactively in “batch” mode by using the -B flag as shown in Listing 2.
Listing 2: Using the archetype in batch mode
mvn archetype:generate -B \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.opengis.cite \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=ets-archetype-testng \ -DarchetypeVersion=2.7 \ -Dets-code=abc10 \ -Dets-title='Web Test Service (WTS)' \ -Dets-title-short='WTS 1.0' \ -DartifactId=ets-abc10 \ -Dpackage=org.opengis.cite.abc10
Once the initial test suite has been created it must be modified to cover the specific test requirements of interest. See Conformance Testing with TestNG, Part 1 for more information about how to get started.